Twin Cities PBS is introducing TPT Learn as schools and families prepare to enter the new school year in the midst of pandemic. The first day of school always brings excitement, renewal and perhaps a little uncertainty. But as pandemic-related restrictions force Minnesota children, families and teachers to find new ways to learn and connect, the upcoming academic year is going to require more than a fresh pack of crayons and an extra hug.
In response, Twin Cities PBS is pleased to introduce TPT Learn. This initiative will highlight high-quality, trusted educational media and aligned resources. TPT has a national reputation for producing these types of materials with projects like SciGirls, DragonflyTV and the new Hero Elementary series, all of which combine fun media with hands-on activities, lessons and professional development for educators. TPT is bringing this expertise to the Twin Cities, providing standards-based content that will engage youth and their families—and empower educators— in both virtual and in-person learning environments.
TPT Learn will kick off with free media-enriched programming for parents and children to explore together during this unprecedented time, including:
- Camp TV: Young adventurers can tune in to TPT-2 at 9 AM weekdays throughout August to this program that features summer “field trips” to New York City landmarks like the Bronx Zoo, Central Park, museums and more, plus activities and interactive play.
- Virtual Second Saturdays: TPT has moved this monthly event online. A kid-friendly host will welcome families to a half-hour of their favorite PBS media, hands-on art and science projects, and lively storytelling. Virtual Second Saturdays begin August 8; visit tpt.org/secondsaturdays for more information
- Check out tpt.org/homelearning for more media and activities.
Starting in the fall, TPT Learn will also reach out to teachers and informal educators, providing them with professional development workshops on how to best use standards-aligned media in both the classroom and the “Zoom room.” TPT will also invite educators and parents to participate on the TPT Learn Advisory Board, where they can inform educational projects and act as ambassadors to share new media and resources with their networks.
“This upcoming school year will present challenges to families and educators,” said TPT CEO Sylvia Strobel. “But it also drives innovation around how and where we learn and helps us investigate what kinds of resources best engage 21st-century students. Thanks to our committed base of members and donors, TPT is able to provide these important media-enriched resources to our community and use our on-air broadcast services to ensure that children of all backgrounds have access and can participate.”
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