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CAMP TV Goes Local!

CAMP TV program to feature hometown science partners

August 20, 2020

By Katie Carpenter

Man playing ukelele

Dear Campers:

Welcome to CAMP TV! Get ready to sing some songs, do some crafts and experiments, and have a whole lot of fun!

CAMP TV is fun for all ages! One viewer shared with us:

“Kudos!!! I don’t have kids or grandkids, or any kids around at all, but that doesn’t stop me from checking out your kid programs. Imagine my surprise to discover Camp TV. Absolutely amazingly wonderful! Whether this is a COVID version or not, I’m really impressed with the creativity. Just another confirmation of why I’m a member. THANK YOU ALL.”

CAMP TV goes local next week!

Tune in to CAMP TV on TPT2 at 9 am on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday next week to catch science experiments and discoveries from our hometown’s Science Museum of Minnesota, local science teachers, and 3M’s Visiting Wizards!

CAMP TV logoIf you’re new to CAMP TV, it’s a fun-filled hour of kid-friendly activities, led by head Counselor Zach (pictured above). Together, you will explore nature, math, science, the arts, movement, storytelling and writing. You’ll get to visit cool places like the Brooklyn Children’s Museum, Lincoln Center, Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum and the Memphis Zoo.

You can find these episodes on:
• TPT-2 at 9 AM
• Online at

Keep the fun and learning going by trying some CAMP TV-themed DIY activities at home, listed below!

Let the Camp TV adventure BEGIN!

Explore Engineering with the Science Museum of Minnesota

Hone your creativity skills while learning about engineering with activities created by the Science Museum of Minnesota in partnership with TPT. These activities align with the Camp TV activities you’ll see as you’re watching!

Cardboard engineering—three fun ideas
Created by Buddy Neu, Experience Developer at the Science Museum of Minnesota

Every young person is a potential engineer. Ask, imagine, plan, create, test, improve . . . then try again! It’s about being curious, creative and wanting to play.

Boy in cardboard wings
Courtesy of the Science Museum of Minnesota

This activity will prompt you to use your imagination and creativity to use cardboard to make something you can wear, make something that can move across different surfaces, and make something that is entertaining! Are you ready for fun?
To get started, gather your materials. What you will need:

  • A box, a piece, or pieces of cardboard
  • Tape—all kinds are useful, masking tape is most versatile
  • Safety scissors
  • Pencil or pen
  • Paper for planning your project
  • A ruler or tape measure for marking things to size and drawing straight lines for cutting or scoring

Visit the Science Museum website for instructions

Engineering Fun: Slow—or speed up—your roll
Created by Science Museum of Minnesota and Twin Cities PBS


Can you build a track to roll a round object down?

Let’s make it!
For this project you’ll need:

  • Something flexible. Examples: junkmail, newspapers, magazines, cardboard
  • Something to stick things together. Examples: tape, string, paperclips, rubber bands, etc
  • A way to keep track of time. Examples: a timer, a clock, a stopwatch, your brain, etc
  • Something round. Examples: a marble, a ball, a jelly bean, rolled up paper, playdough

Visit the Science Museum Website for instructions

Watch the full Hands-On Science “Engineering” episode with the Science Museum of Minnesota demonstrating the creativity and play driving engineering.

Schedule a visit to the Science Museum

Our friends at the Science Museum of Minnesota are opening up to the general public starting on the weekend of September 4-6. Schedule a visit and purchase tickets: More information


Strengthen your Science Superpowers with Hero Elementary

Hero Elementary
Members of the Sparks’ Crew — Lucita Sky, AJ Gadgets, Sara Snap and Benny Bubbles — work with their teacher, Mr. Sparks, to help people and solve problems.

Watch episodes and create your own costume using the activity below!

Watch “With a Little Push” from Hero Elementary
Sparks’ Crew chases a giant ball through Citytown. To save the day, the team uses hands-on investigation and learns that pushing an object can start or stop its movement.

Make a Hero Elementary Mask & Cuff

Solve science mysteries in style, and create your very own mask and cuff!

  1. Download the mask and cuff template (template .pdf)
  2. Print and cut out the super hero accessories on favorite paper, or trace onto felt and cut out the shapes.
  3. You can use a hole-punch for the sides of your mask. Have an adult help safely cut out the openings for the eyes.
  4. The shapes are options to create a badge for the cuff. Decorate them all in your own super style!

Color Spark’s Crew
Download and print this coloring sheet of Sparks’ Crew to create something fun to hang on your wall or fridge! (coloring sheet .pdf)

Get Crafty with TPT

Write Secret Crayon Messages
Created by PBS Kids

Secret crayon message

In this activity, your child will use the crayon resist painting technique to write secret messages! When you write with a white crayon on white paper, the writing appears invisible . . . but when you brush over it with watercolor paint, the message shows up!

Secret Message:

  • White crayons
  • Watercolor paint set
  • Paper

Instructions for activity

Blow Bubbles with a Pipe Cleaner  Wand

Pipe cleaner bubble wand

Find out how to make bubble wands using pipe cleaners — it’s a fun and inexpensive way to have fun! Plus, homemade bubble wands hold more solution and make bigger bubbles than commercial ones!

Bubble Wand Materials:

  •  Pipe cleaners
  • Beads
  • Dish soap
  • 1 cup glycerin (or light corn syrup)
  • 3 cups water

Instructions for this activity

Let us know how you liked camp!

Explore more CAMP TV and learning resources at And, let us know how you liked camp by leaving us a comment below!

© Twin Cities Public Television - 2020. All rights reserved.


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