Chholing Taha – Painter

Chholing Taha’s paintings and shawls tell indigenous stories that still have relevancy in a modern world. Look at her painting of the fable of the Crab Pot. The moral of that story is that if we all work together, we can overcome any obstacle. Make a STORY MAP of a fable you know. Include the PROBLEM, THE CHARACTERS, THE SETTING, 5 THINGS THAT HAPPENED and the RESOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM. Reflect on the moral of the story and why it is important to you.

Practice telling your chosen fable aloud until you know it by heart. Create at least one visual and incorporate it into your storytelling. For example, if there’s a repeated line, write it out in an interesting way. If there are interesting characters, make puppets. If the setting is important, create a simple backdrop to stand in front of. Tell your fable to an audience. It works well to pick children who are younger than you. Be sure to emphasize the moral of the story.

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