Storyboard / EcoFutures - Meet The Team: Erica Hoaglund + Maxwell Hoaglund

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EcoFutures - Meet The Team: Erica Hoaglund + Maxwell Hoaglund

June 5, 2017

Names: Erica Hoaglund + Maxwell Hoaglund         
Biome: Cloud Forest

Q: What artistic mediums do you practice?

Erica: Generally only photography, however I also paint. I am a wildlife biologist with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Max: I’m an interactive artist and sculptor. I work with wood, steel, electronics, and software.

Q: What’s one unique thing about you?

Erica: I work with wild snakes on a daily basis at my “day job”. Snakes are one of my favorite animals, and I really enjoy introducing people to them.
Max: I am a full-time freelance art realisateur and arts engineer. I earn all of my income by helping other artists apply technology to their projects.

Q: What is your first memory of a plant?

Erica: Gardening with my mother and learning about the relationship between Irises and Iris grubs
Max: In my early life, I lived in an apartment for a while. Outside of the apartment there was some kind bush that was initially larger than me, and later smaller. I remember it had stiff branches and waxy leaves.

Q: What was your favorite plant growing up?

Erica: Probably the maple tree.
Max: I was a big fan of Irises. They’re just so elaborate.

Q: What interests you about the plants you selected for Northern Spark?

Erica: How relatively simply they can introduce people to the concept of non-point source extinction mechanisms.
This was a good chance to work with an extinct plant, and that was an important detail for me. The others are interesting because of their similar adaptations and similar pollinators.

Q: What is the #1 piece of advice you would give to aspiring artists?
Max: Supplement your interdisciplinary practice by committing to a certain craft and specializing in it. That way, you have a safe spot you can fall back to and you can communicate with more easily with other specialists.

Q: What is your favorite Northern Spark memory?

Erica: Working with my brother.
Max: During Northern Spark 2016 I was part of a project called CENSUS, and it was really special. It was a night-long modular performance with more than 60 performers.

Q: When was the last night you stayed up until 5:26 a.m.?
Erica: Last night.
Northern Spark 2016!

To learn more about the Ecological Futures installation at TPT, visit!

#ecofutures #savethebiomes #northernspark


Ecological Futures: Speculative Biomes of the Past, Present and Future is presented MN Original and TPT as part of Northern Spark 2017, produced by Northern


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