Layne Kennedy - Photographer

Objectives: Layne Kennedy is a world photographer and photojournalist. Starting off in the fine arts world, he discovered that what you learn about photography is that our backyard is the same as everyone else’s backyard…what’s exciting is seeing things differently. In this activity, you will create your own portrait stories through photography of the theme “We are…”

Tools/Resources: MN Original video clip, Photo tutorial video, Portrait tutorial video, camera (either using phone camera, tablet, or point-and-shoot).


  1. Watch the segment and discuss:

    a. “What you learn about photography is that our backyard is the same as everyone else’s…what’s exciting is seeing things differently.” What do you think Layne Kennedy means by this?

    b. How do portraits of people help the viewers learn about that person?

  2. Watch videos to learn how to properly take a photo
  3. Working with a friend, think about who you are, and how that image of who you are can best be conveyed in a portrait photograph
  4. With your partner, take turns taking portrait photos. Take as many photos from different angles as possible (try to have no more than 20), and pick the single best one
  5. If possible, print off your photo and have a gallery walk.
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