Brian Miller and Randy Gosa: Roll Drivers Roll


Brian Miller and Randy Gosa sing about the dignity of hard work in their performance of Roll Drivers Roll, an old folk song in the Midwest lumber camps. The song was adapted from another folk song about hard work, Drill Ye Tarriers Drill, about Irish immigrants working on the railroads in the mid-19th Century.

Think about another occupation that requires hard work, whether physically or mentally. Write your own rendition of a “work song” that could be sung by a group of workers in that field. Make sure your lyrics capture the essence of that occupation: the hardships, the camaraderie, etc. Title your song in a similar way: ___VERB___, ___OCCUPATION___, ___VERB AGAIN___.

Create a Want Ad to attract workers to the job you chose to write about above. Check out ads in newspapers and online to see what they include. Be sure to write a description of the work that will be done and the skills needed to be successful. Enhance the appeal of your ad with graphics or illustrations.

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